There have been many famous people who have traveled the Eagle path...

Henry Aaron Baseball player, Home Run King
Bill Alexander US Rep from Arkansas
Lamar Alexander Lawyer, Governor of Tennessee, Secretary of Education, US Presidential candidate 1996
Gary L. Anderson US Rep from NY
Neil Armstrong Astronaut, first man on moon
Willie Banks Olympic & World Record holding track athlete
Albert Belle Outfielder, Chicago White Sox
Charles E. Bennett US Rep from Florida
Lloyd M. Bentsen Former Treasury Secretary and US Senator from Texas
Bill Bradley Pro basketball star and US Senator from NJ
James Brady Press Secretary to President Reagan
Milton A. Caniff Comic strip artist - "Steve Canyon"
William E. Dannemeyer US Rep from California
William Devries MD, transplanted first artificial heart
Michael Dukakis Former governor of Massachusetts
Arthur Eldred First Eagle Scout
Thomas Foley Former Speaker of the House and US Rep from WA
Gerald Ford U.S. President (1st Eagle to be pres.), "Junior" Ford of Troop 15, Grand Rapids, MI in 1927, 26 MBs--including Civics, "Boy Scouts was invaluable in shaping my life."
Murphy J. "Mike" Foster Governor of Louisiana
Robert Gates Former CIA Director
Michael Kahn Stage director, Oscar-winning film editor
Alfred Kinsey, Dr. Insect biologist, human behavior researcher
John Koncak Orlando Magic basketball player
Sheldon Leonard Actor, director, producer, won 3 Emmys
Gary Lock Governor of Washington State, first US governor of Asian (Chinese) descent (other than Hawaii)
James Lovell Career Navy pilot and astronaut, President of NESA Flew on Gemini 7, 12 & Apollo 8, 13. Apollo 13 Mission Commander. Distinguished Eagle recipient. Business executive.
Richard G. Lugar Senator from Indiana J. Willard Marriott, Jr. - Pres. Marriott Corp.
Jim Mora Head Coach, New Orleans Saints football team
Oswald "Ozzie" Nelson Actor, earned in 1919 at age 13
Sam Nunn US Senator from Georgia Ellison Onizuka - Astronaut aboard the space shuttle Challenger
Steve Oswald Astronaut, Navy Rear Admiral, Distinguished Eagle recipient
H. Ross Perot Self-made billionaire and presidential candidate, founder of Reform Party, EDS Corp., and The Perot Group
J. J. Pickle US Rep from Texas, proudly displays his Distinguished Eagle plaque inside his office
Samuel R. Pierce Former Sec. Housing & Urban Development
Frederick Reines Nobel Prize for Physics, 1995
Harrison Salisbury Pulitzer Prize winning author
James Sanderson Vice Admiral, US Navy (Retired), Deputy Chief US Atlantic Fleet
William Sessions Former FBI director
Steven Spielberg Movie producer and director, from Scottsdale, AZ, made a movie of his troop while getting Photography MBA
Wallace Stegner writer and college professor, won Pulitzer Prize in 1972 for "Angle of Repose"
Percy Sutton Attorney, Ch. of Board of City Broadcasting Corp.
John Tesh TV celebrity and pianist
Sam Walton Businessman, Retailer
Togo D. West, Jr. Sec. Of The Army and Sec. Of Veteran Affairs during Clinton administration, Distinguished Eagle recipient
List created by Randy Lee Everette, Eagle Scout, Jan. 1974, Troop 1140, Springfield, Virginia